Monday, February 25, 2008

Beach Time!

What a great break from the powdery snow of Illinois and a great treat to be on the powdery sand of the Gulf! We had a great afternoon at Clearwater Beach the Friday of our stay. We were a little chilly, but who cares?!? We were in swim suits!!! ECP collected shells, Meg tried to get some sun and Will spent his time throwing the football with cousin Bryan. That all was fine and good until we had major excitement on the beach! A boat came in to the swimmers only section of the beach with a hurt jet skiier. Bryan was fascinated with the injury--a huge gash to the guy's leg. With all the fire and rescue, life guards, police and ambulances, we had a front row seat to some serious excitement. In the paper the next day, we found out that there were 2 guys on the jet skiis. The injured man was from Montana and had stopped suddenly, causing the other guy to run up over him. Crazy! After all this excitement, we headed to one of our favorite places, discovered several years ago by Andy, Jack's brother. Frenchy's is the restaurant and it's right on the beach. At sunset, they applaud the setting sun over the sea. Beautiful and so much fun. We don't order shrimp or grouper up here, so we ate our fill of it there!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

love the haircut that EC's got!!