Monday, February 25, 2008

Our "Other" Family

Our other family is the Jewetts from Oviedo (outside of Orlando), Florida! We met Michelle and Aubrey in Alumni Village, our married student housing in Tallahassee during our Florida State days. Mackenzie went to Michigan with us last summer, so you may remember her from those pictures on the blog. Jack actually met Michelle and Mackenzie first. I was so anxious about being out of the norm--and who would want to be friends with a nineteen year old mom?!? Well, who but Michelle, age 21, with Mackenzie! Jack jokes that he makes all the best friends for me. He broke the first mold with Michelle, though! Through several moves, several children and just life in general, the Jewetts are just a part of us. When she was little, Hannah (now age 12) didn't know how to classify us. She knew we weren't part of her immediate family, but knew we were closer than just friends. So she named us the cousins! Precious. Our monkeys in the tree are Hannah (12), Trent(8), Will (9), Isabelle (5), Ellen Claire(13), Mackenzie(15) and Meg (15).
They all got to skip school and met us in Lakeland for the afternoon of Valentine's Day. We played for HOURS and wanted DAYS more. It's been almost 3 years since I've actually put eyes on Michelle as we haven't been able to swing a visit since we moved to Chicago. Now that our babies aren't babies any more we're hoping to get a grown up trip in soon. Where to, Michelle?!? And I swear we look the same as we did when we met about 15 years ago!

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