Friday, February 1, 2008


Well, it's happened 2 years in a row now! An honest to goodness, school's out, snow day! We woke up to 12 inches (measured in my neighbor's front yard!) of pure, white snow! It was such a mess that our street just got plowed a few minutes ago, which means that the busses had no chance of getting everyone to school today. Hence, we got a 5:45am call from the school district saying school is cancelled! So here are some pictures of what REAL snow looks like (that's for all my Southerners who thought they had it tough with 1/4 inch a couple of weeks ago :-)!!! My dear friend Christine, born and proud Mid-Western gal that she is, actually made it outside to take pictures. I got the video, a couple of ECP and Will and then promptly returned to the house to view through the window! I'm not too tough, either :-)

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