Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Season's First Snow

Well the time has come.

The time is here.

WINTER has hit

The kids gave a cheer!

It looks like Christmas

Everything is so white--

Our own special version

of a very silent night.

The peace that happens

on the night of the first snow,

Makes it almost worth it

The next day when your car won't go!

Enjoy these pictures, all of you who won't see

Nary a flake and think of the Pieds!

We'll be heading your way at the sign of the first defrost

For March is when we feel our minds all lost!

It snowed all night and into this morning. The kids were SO hopeful for a snow day! Will even slept in his pj's inside out--the guarantee for a snow day. Sorry the video is sideways---I didn't know that it wouldn't rotate once on computer :-) We think we got around 4 inches with more to come later this week. At least it's not too cold nor too windy. That would make it miserable! Right now it's just pretty and fun! Except for Jack who was out shoveling at 6:30 this morning. That snow blower investment is looking better and better...!

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