Sunday, October 28, 2007

Will's 3rd Grade Field Trip

The Third Graders at our school headed out to the Pioneer Farm last week. Thanks to a kind neighbor who kept Ellen Claire, I was able to go as a chaperone. I completely enjoyed spending the time with Will. As the sandwiched kid between 2 high-demand sisters, Will doesn't get much one on one attention. So Jack and I both really enjoy anytime that we can get with him by ourselves.The kids made candles, got a lesson on furs and local animals, then searched for herbs and plants that the 1857 pioneers would have used for food and medicine. They also learned that pioneer children would have been responsible for making all the candles for an entire year and that it would have been wasteful to have candles the size and widths that we have today. They all thought that would be a great chore to have. But of course, they only had to make one candle!

All in all, it was a fun way to spend a very cold fall day. Beats the classroom!

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