Monday, October 1, 2007


Today is ECP's 3rd birthday! We had her non-party birthday party that turned into a party on Sunday morning. Her best friend Victoria was there, along with her friends Emily, Jillian, Lauren, Oscar and of course Will and Meg. Her honored guests were Nana and Pop Pop as they have made each of her big days--from being born in Atlanta to all 3 celebrations in Chicago. We also welcomed Mr. Matt, a great friend of our family who we've "adopted"! The theme was...Dora the Explorer :-) Fun was had by all, but most especially Ellen Claire--who got tired of her big brother's help and pretty much told him to back off. She "read" her own card---"It's my birthday, it's my birthday it's MYYYYYY Birthday!" Isn't that what every card should say?!? She's completely enjoyed her birthday weekend. Where did three years go? Oh--and it got HOT on us, so we had to change party dresses. It was in the mid-80's, if you can believe it!

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