Wednesday, September 5, 2007


So what REALLY happens when a headstrong, baby of the family who can get away with anything and who has been working really hard on her scissor skills because her over-worrying mother doesn't want her to go to preschool in a year and have her teachers gasp at her lack of fine motor skills has an afternoon with a daddy who is enjoying football while big brother is playing with friends and her mother is off to the movies with her big sister?!?!?!?!? A HAIR DISASTER is what happens. What is it with my girls and cutting their bangs?!? Meg will still try and deny that she cut her hair as short as EC's above, and she was in 5th grade! Like the scissors became alive and just decided to hack her hair for her?!? And by the way, there is no fixing it or hiding it. We've tried. Today we parted her hair on a different side and it doesn't look AS drastic. What can we do but laugh at this point? Sampson she is not :-)

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