Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Our First Blog

OK-so I have to admit that I just totally stole this idea from my cousin who just started a blog as well! I should say that I was "inspired" by her as that sounds a bit better, doesn't it? We have an amazing year in front of us with Meg starting high school, Will in his first year with a soccer club and Scouts and third grade (!) and Ellen Claire just being, well, Ellen Claire. We feel so very far away from most of those we love, so I hope this will keep us in touch all the more.


Elizabeth said...

Love Love Love your blog!! This will be fun to keep up with our ever expanding family! Meg's picture is so grown up!!

Kisses and hugs to all of yall..........elizabeth

apcolbert said...

We're so glad you have this blog going as it is rare that we get to see or hear about you all.
Thank you.
ChaCha Dashie and Uncle Charles